Friday, April 3, 2009

Jacqueline Fiore: Racing for a Cure

In June of 2006, Jacqueline Fiore (BC alum ’06 and former player) was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. After undergoing six months of intense chemotherapy, Jacqueline has been in remission for two and half years. Unfortunately, Jacqueline’s very close friend and former teammate at Garden City High School, Stacy Leondis lost her battle to cancer in June of 2008.

Jacqueline and her boyfriend, Kevin Sweikata, have been training for the Rock ‘N Roll marathon in San Diego on May 31st. They will be running the race in honor of their friend Stacy. Their ultimate goal is not only to finish the race, but to find a cure!

If you’d like more information about Jacqueline’s story and would be interested in donating to her cause, please click here Donations will be made to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).

We wish Jacqueline and Kevin the best of luck in their upcoming race and you can be sure that the 2009 BC Lacrosse team will be cheering on from Boston!